Welcome to Everything-World ~ The elusive 10th Red Wool Editions adventure, where YOU and your kids are the main characters and co-authors… Each of my current storybooks has an accompanying “ride” in my imaginary theme park called EVERYTHING-WORLD. A travelling circus that leaps from mind to mind. Each ride has the theme of their accompanying…

All of a sudden my creatures got so bored with just being in my storybooks that one night they all fled their pages and ran away into the endless, timeless universe… “The Great Runaway,” they called it.
For a moment, all of them found themselves stranded in the middle of the nothingness.
Calligrahia and Rio decided to build a house. Not a boring house. A fun house. Then, instead of a boring bathroom, Madga Gaska, Whereabouts and Mr Mist built slippery slides and swimming pools. From there, instead of a garden, they built a labyrinth of vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices. A place of worship was formed to suit all creatures, called the Hologram of Belief. Then a Theatre of Thinking to discuss ideas on how to move forward; a Liminal Space Museum as a keepsake of dreams; a Lake of Meaning to wonder about the meaning of life. A gigantic Mirror Maze entrance, the un-lockable front door, for each creature to truly know itself and much, much more. Together they made an exquisite (not at all boring) theme park they called EVERYTHING-WORLD.
They only have one problem. They have no idea how to live life?
And if they don’t start living life now, right now, they might JUST MIGHT… START DYING.
They have hundreds of questions about why and how to live life, because they’ve only ever known what’s within the pages of my books.
They need to find someone, someone perhaps just like you, to think up all the answers to their questions…? AND THEN THINK UP SOME RIDES, WITH CREATURES WHO HAVE QUESTIONS OF THEIR OWN...
The Mirror Maze The Mirror Maze in the most patient and all-loving of all the rides here at Everything-World. She has no accompanying storybook, textbook or songs because her sole job is to welcome you here, into the endless sphere of your mind. Accompanied by the Great Psychic Madga, her two huge eyeballs on stalks…
THE WONDER-WHEEL OF CONTRADICTION: THE WONDER-WHEEL OF CONTRADICTION, Perhaps the most curious ride of Everything-World, the Wonder-Wheel of Contradiction and her operator Rio ask many questions about us as a whole, the entire living-being-creature-race I suppose? Herself and Rio appear to think we are a masterpiece, occupying so many, many opposite spaces in the…
THE GHOST-TRAIN OF CHANGE, featuring THE FAKE DICTIONARY The Ghost Train of change is a very busy station indeed. The entire set of the spooky railroad is constantly filled with loud singing drama-school-student-type-creatures, retelling the various versions of various incidents in history, written or told by more than just the victor. Wars, romantic affairs,…
THE CAROUSEL OF COINCIDENCE Orbiting life from within, the Carousel of Coincidence counts how many times the same thing happens, and of course the same thing can never really happen but it can, and repetitious cycles are not spirals, she is indeed confident that they are circles, and if not circles then spirals…
THE LIMINAL SPACE MUSEUM The Liminal Space Museum is found deep beneath thieves market (the rundown, broken beauty where they all keep their secrets). You climb down a pink metal railing inside her long neck and float about the ever-changing masterpieces of her mind. She doesn’t call herself a ride, she’s an…